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Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Me Poetry Analysis free essay sample
The persona in this sonnet is an African American individual. This is shown in the initial two refrains of the sonnet where the speaker says that the individual, being a representation for the African American race, is the Negro Problem. The peruser realizes that he is alluding to himself since he talks in first individual. Supper Guest: Me by Langston Hughes has a wide range of tones. One of the tones of the persona is outrage. This is appeared in the initial two sections of the sonnet, â€Å"I realize I am the Negro Problem,†and in the last two stanzas, â€Å"Solutions to the Problem, obviously, pause. †The speaker recognizes the way that himself alongside the African American race are the Negro Problem that is available among the discussion of the white individuals during supper. The outrage gets from the way that the speaker has become the Negro Problem in light of his prosperity being an African American and the achievement of his African American siblings and sisters. We will compose a custom exposition test on Me Poetry Analysis or then again any comparative point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page In the last refrains the speaker shows the tension towards the answer for this issue and realizes just that in time, the difficult will ideally be explained. Another tone of the persona is not kidding. The general topic, being the requesting of opportunity, radiates a genuine tone in light of the fact that the subject of bigotry and isolation in itself is a genuine themes and was a difficult that must be looked by the African Americans during the 1960’s when the sonnet was composed. This topic has been and as of now is being paid attention to. The persona additionally depicts a clandestine tone. This is found in sections four through nine of the sonnet, â€Å"Answering the typical inquiries that ring a bell which looks for shyly to test in gracious manner the why and fortitude of haziness U. S. A. †In this statement the peruser sees that in a cryptic way, the white individuals are attempting to sound neighborly and kind while scrutinizing the dark race and their prosperity when in actuality they are doing it because of presumption and unacceptance. Obscurity U. S. A represents the corruptness of the white people’s considerations and discussion. Single rhyme and end rhyme: â€Å"Being wined and dined†¦ that comes to white mind†â€Å"To test in amenable way†¦ of obscurity U. S. A†â€Å"In current just night†¦ ‘I’m so embarrassed about being white. ’†â€Å"The wine divine†¦ At the damask table, mine†â€Å"Park Avenue at eight†¦ obviously, pause. †Internal Rhyme: â€Å"Being wined and dined†â€Å"The wine divine†Alliteration: â€Å"The why and wherewithal†Assonance: â€Å"To test in neighborly way†â€Å"Wondering how things got his way†â€Å"At the damask table, mine†â€Å"Park road at eight†â€Å"Solutions to the problem†End rhyme in the initial three stanzas causes to notice the more profound significance on the sonnet. The speaker can be allegory for the African American populace that remaining parts the Negro Problem in America. For a littler scope, the Negro Problem is the subject of discussion at the table brimming with white individuals. The utilization of end rhyme in this sonnet likewise catches the reader’s consideration as it is speaking to the ear in this manner making the peruser need to peruse on. Throughout the sonnet, the utilization of rhyming is utilized uniquely in specific spots and not toward the finish of each refrain. The absence of rhyming accentuates the earnestness of the sonnet. A lot of rhyming plans depict an all the more light and cheerful tone, though a constrained sum depicts a genuine tone, which is appropriate for this kind of sonnet.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Eight Best First Chainsaws For The Beginner
Eight Best First Chainsaws For The Beginner Ive just refreshed a well known article on picking a first cutting tool. This component was produced for another cutting tool purchaser/client who is simply getting ready to buy their first observed. I furnish you with connections to saw locales Ive picked to make an incredible first buy. I go on the reason that most people dont need nor need an expert woodcutters saw which could furnish an excessive amount of intensity with backbreaking weight. You can generally redesign if your occupations and tree sizes increment. Figure out how to cut on a littler trustworthy saw. You will be astounded how these littler force devices can take on bigger tasks after all other options have been exhausted. Purchasing a saw too large for your requirements is just a dangerous situation. Utilize this survey and attempt to stay with a companys 14 to 16 guide bar and a saw with very little in excess of 50 cubic centimeters of relocation. Cutting tool organizations have created adjusted, thin, little saws with power enough for business arborists. These saws are likewise ideal for somebody who accomplishes light work in the yard and on the homestead. Consider my eight looked into cutting apparatuses for your first buy.
Sunday, August 2, 2020
This Valentines Day, Do Yourself a Favor and Read a Romance
This Valentines Day, Do Yourself a Favor and Read a Romance This is a guest post from Kristan Higgins. Kristan is the New York Times, Publishers Weekly, and USA TODAY bestselling author whose books have been translated into more than twenty languages. She has received dozens of awards and accolades, including starred reviews from Publishers Weekly, Library Journal, The New York Journal of Books and Kirkus. Kristan lives in Connecticut with her heroic firefighter husband, two atypically affectionate children, a neurotic rescue mutt and an occasionally friendly cat. Follow her on Twitter @Kristan_Higgins. A few years ago, I wrote a piece for Publishers Weekly called “Never Read a Romance? Grow Up.†The gist of the essay was that it’s easy to claim intellectual superiority and dismiss an entire genre…but it’s a false claim. Romance novels, as well as “women’s fiction†(why can’t it just be called “fictionâ€?) are, more than any other genre, a study of the human condition, heart, mind, and body. But…they’re written by women, and it’s awfully hard to dismiss the notion that sexism is at play when someoneâ€"most often a manâ€"mocks romance. Or never reads it. Or categorizes the readership in sweeping generalizations. The New York Times recently ditched the mass market bestseller list, which has traditionally been dominated by female romance novelists, saying they didn’t think their readers cared about those books (my take on their statement, anyway). Granted, the NYT has always used magical math to determine their lists, but still. Point taken, NYT. You don’t consider romance novels “real†bestsellers, no matter what the numbers say. Happily, the world disagrees. Traditional publishing would crumble without those books; romance is a $1.3 billion dollar industry. The women who write those books are brilliant, educated and outspoken. You can’t swing a cat without hitting a PhD or Ivy League graduate, a lawyer-turned-author, a college professor, a doctor. We boast Pintip Dunn (Harvard/Yale) and Piper Huguley (BA, MFA, PhD). We’ve got HelenKay Dimon, who, in her days as an attorney represented members of the FBI, Secret Service and CIA. We have Xio Axelrod, who is both a novelist and a professional singer and songwriter. We are women (and the occasional man) who could choke a horse with our degrees, and we’re women who never got one, who taught ourselves to write, who found our voices by teaching ourselves the craft, sharing our knowledge with each other, creating the most generous and supportive writing community there is. If the rest of the writing world doesn’t want to know us, hey, their loss. The variety, the brilliance, the fabulosity that makes up the romance writing world. In a country where women are still paid less for the same talent, where girls are still discouraged from going into the sciences, where there are double standards and higher measures because of what parts you may or may not have, here we’ve been all along: an industry dominated by women, writing positive stories for women that feature, you guessed it, amazing women…and the people lucky enough to love them. But the readers know, and have always known. They know they can count on us for a story that reaches through the noise and speaks the truth about the human heart. Books that give readers, at least for a little while, the gift of believing in better angels. The gift of following characters who overcome their demons and emerge better for it. The gift of finding happiness at the end of a long road. So this Valentine’s Day, do yourself a favor. Read a romance novel that embraces individuality, friendship, self-reliance, and yes, love…and feel better about the world. Sign up for Kissing Books to receive news, book recommendations, and more for residents of Romancelandia.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Smoking Is Responsible For An Increasing Number Of Deaths...
Introduction Smoking is responsible for an increasing number of deaths worldwide. OECD (2013) indicates that tobacco is a major risk factor for a leading cause of the premature mortality, as it increases the risk of heart attack, stroke, lung cancer, mouth cancer, and pancreatic cancer. Compared to other OECD countries Canada’s smoking rate is low. In 2013, 16.30% of Canada’s total population was found to partake in smoking, where the average of OECD countries smoking rate was 21.13%. However, many Canadians are unaware of the significant link between second-hand smoke and the increased risk in death. In the study of â€Å"Second-hand smoke and cancer†by Canadian Partnership against Cancer (2012), more than 1,100 deaths among non-smokers are†¦show more content†¦Canada must take steps to further reduce nonsmokers’ exposure to second-hand smoke and smokers’ smoking-related illnesses. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the link between smoking and the current health care system in Canada and to introduce current smoking policies in Ontario in order to evaluate whether the regulations are effectively reducing the negative effects of smoking in public. Smoking and Health Care System Smoking imposes a substantial burden on the health care system. Because smoking is a major risk factor for diseases, health care institutions spend tremendous amounts of costs to care for smokers and their diseases. Previous studies in regards to the topic of smoking and health care system in Canada indicated that the health care use and medical expenses of both current and former smokers are higher than those for non-smokers. Many studies provide evidence that smoking imposes a substantial cost on the health care system. In the study of Disparities in Health Care Utilization by Smoking Status in Canada, Sunday Azagba et al. (2013) indicated that in developed countries, smoking-attributable health care costs account for up to 15 percen t of all annual health care cost. Additionally, the average annual smoking-attributable economic loss in the US economy is estimated to be $96 billion in health care expenditures and an additional $10 billion in
Monday, May 11, 2020
Case Study in Social Work Practice - 2105 Words
This essay will identify a case I have been involved in and have continuously had to assess whilst on placement. It will refer to a child who will be identified as A. A is a young carer and has only recently returned home after being removed from his mothers care due to her having a substance abuse problem and mental health concerns. I will link the legal framework that was relevant to this case study and describe actions taken. Additionally these actions will demonstrate the application of social work methods and theories that were contributive elements in his intervention, offering explanations as to why these particular methods were used. Before closing, the essay will review any issues of discrimination with a reflection of the†¦show more content†¦Anytime an assessment was done with A, whether it was done in a group or during my mentoring session, this was the primary focus in ensuring he is receiving the right service and intervention. ‘Working Together to Safeguard Children’ 2010, (WTtSC 2010) instructs organisations and individuals working with children on how actions such as assessments should be done in accordance with the CA1989 and ensures that professionals understand what their responsibilities and duties are. This specific documentation assisted my understanding of the format in which assessments should be conducted as well as my understanding of multi-professional work surrounding A and his needs. Following guidelines from the Assessment Framework (WTtSC p.44), I was able to establish what A’s specific developmental needs were so they can be addressed during my mentoring sessions. Areas such as his education, family and social relationships and stimulation as well a look at the wider family unit and his environment. This multi-professional meeting was in fact my initial assessment. DESRIPTION OF ACIVITIES UNDERTAKEN I was first introduced to A after a Team Around the Child (TAC) meeting with his parents and other professionals from children’s services and the school. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the ‘Child in Need’ plan and establish how this child would be supported now that he is back in the care of this mother. A had been living with his godmother whilst his mother was being treatedShow MoreRelatedThe Impossibility Of Religious Freedom1713 Words  | 7 Pagesdefining religion has been a contentious issue in a wide variety of situations, particularly in the United States. The US is a nation that prides itself on religious inclusivity and freedom. There are consequences to this belief and tenant. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Malaysian Cyber Law and Electronic Government Law Free Essays
SMK GERIK JALAN KUALA KENDERONG 33300 GERIK. PERAK CONSTRUCT CODE: LA3. S07. We will write a custom essay sample on Malaysian Cyber Law and Electronic Government Law or any similar topic only for you Order Now 1 CURRENT AND FUTURE DEVELOPMENT IN NETWORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS CANDIDATE’S NAME:NURUL SHAZLIN BINTI SULAIMAN CANDIDATE’S IC:960717-06-5978 ASSESSOR’S NAME:NOR AZLINA BINTI OTHMAN ASSESSOR’S SIGNATURE: DATE OF SUBMISSION: Index Bil | Content| Page| 1| Introduction | 4| 2| Mobile Computing| | | 2. 1 Definition| 5| | 2. 2 Specifications, Services, and Frequencies of Mobile Computing| 5| 3| Internet Technology and Services| | | 3. 1 VoIP| 6| | 3. 2 BLOG| 6| 4| Types of Network| | | 4. 1 PAN| 7| | 4. 2 VPN| 7| | 4. 3 WLAN| 8| | 4. 4 WIMAX| 8| | Conclusion| 9| | Reference| 9| 1. INTRODUCTION 2. MOBILE COMPUTING 3. 1. Definiton 3. 2. Specification, services, and frequencies of Mobile Computing 3. INTERNET TECHNOLOGY AND SERVICES 4. 3. VoIP 4. 4. BLOG 4. TYPES OF NETWORK 5. 5. PAN 5. 6. VPN 5. 7. WLAN 5. 8. WIMAX 5. CONCLUSION REFERENCE 1. 0 INTRODUCTION A computer network and communication is defined as a collection of computers and devicesconnected by commu nications channels that facilitates communications among users and allowsusers to share resources with other users. Computer Network A computer network is a system of interconnected computers and peripheral devices. For example, it may connect computers, printers, scanners and cameras. Using hardware and software, these interconnected computing devices can communicate with each other through defined rules of data communications. In a network, computers can exchange and share information and resources. A computer network may operate on wired connections or wireless connections. When two or more networks are linked or connected and are able to communicate with one another using suitable hardware and software, it is called an internetwork. Communications Communications is about the transfer of information from a sender, across a distance, to a receiver. Using electricity, radio waves or light, information and data in the form of codes are transmitted through a physical medium such as wire, cable, or even the atmosphere. Therefore, in order to make communications possible from computers, across telephones and radios and back to computers and other digital devices again, there must be a signal translator, which we call-a modem. The modem, which is short for modulator or demodulator, converts digital signals into analog and back again into digital signals for information to move across the telephone line. Computer NetworkCommunications 2. 0 MOBILE COMPUTING 2. Definition Mobile computing refers to the use of small and portable computing devices in wireless enabled networks that provide wireless connections to a internet or central main server. These devices include laptops, notebook PCs, tablet PCs, palmtops, personal digital assistant (PDAs) and other hand held devices. A radio-signaling device is installed inside these devices for re ceiving and transmitting electronic data. Mobile computing has enabled users to remain connected while on the move. High end users can opt for satellite based networking which provides wireless connectivity anywhere in the world. However, this technology is costly and will take many years to become as affordable as Wi-Fi and WiMax. 2. 2Specification, services, and frequencies of Mobile Computing The latest 4G device from T-mobile is the Samsung Galaxy S 4G. This phone works on T-Mobile’s HSPA+ 4G network, which uses a different technical standard than Sprint or Verizon Wireless’ 4G networks. The Samsung Galaxy S 4G is the wireless carrier’s first smartphone  that is capable of delivering theoretical peak download speeds of up to 21 Mbps while in one of T-Mobile’s 4G coverage areas. In addition to fast speeds, the Galaxy S 4G has a large, 4-inch display, a Samsung 1GHz Cortex A8 Hummingbird processor, and a preinstalled 16GB microSD memory card. Like other phones in the Galaxy S line, this phone also has Samsung’s Super AMOLED touchscreen display. 3. 0 INTERNET TECHNOLOGY AND SERVICES 3. 1VoIP VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) is refered as the transmission of voice traffic over IP-based networks. There are three ways to connect to a VoIP network which is by using a VoIP telephone, using a normal telephone with a VoIP adapter and using a computer with speakers and microphone. . 2BLOG A blog (web log or weblog) is one of the popular activities on the Internet. Most of these blogs are publicly shared and the autors frequently update the content on a regular basis. Blog is usually referred to the text produced by author about his or her thoughts, experiences or interest. The world of blogging is referred as blogosphere. Another new term is the blogonomics, which refers to people using the blogosphere to generate money. The posts to a blog are usually arranged in this order, the most recent entries will always be on top of the journal. . 0 TYPES of NETWORK 4. 1PAN A Personal Area Network (PAN) is a computer network used for communication among computer devices including PCs, laptops, printers, telephones, digital cameras, mobile phone, video game consoles and personal digital assistants, close to one person. PAN may be wired with USB port, Firewire port, Infrared(IrDA) and Bluetooth technologies. Bluetooth is the popular wireless PAN used by most people, especially the mobile phone technologies, and it applies the IEEE 802. 15. 1 standards. 4. 2VPN A Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a network that uses a public telecommunication infrastructure, such as the internet, to remote offices or individuals with secure access to their organisation’s private network. VPN uses tunnelling mechanism to maintain privacy and security of the data. Tunnelling means transmiting data packets across a public network. VPN is often used by companies to provide access from their internal network resources to their home or mobile workers. 4. 3WLAN Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) is a type of LAN that uses high-frequency radio waves to communicate between nodes. WLAN improves user mobility, speed and scalability to move around within a broad coverage area and still be connected to the network. The IEEE standard for Wireless Lans is 802. 11. 4. 4WIMAX Worlwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (WiMAX) is the industry term for broadband wireless access network that is developed based on the IEEE 802. 16 standard. WiMAX is a Wireless Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) technology that will connect WiFi hotspots to the Internet and provides a wireless extension to cable and DSL for larger broadband access. WiMAX would operate similar to WiFi but at higher speeds, over greater distances and for a greater number of users. A WiMAX system will have two major parts: * A WiMAX base station, similar in concept to a mobile phone tower. * A WiMAX receiver installed at home. 5. 0 CONCLUSION As a brief conclusion, computer network and communication are expanding rapidly each and everyday making sharing of information trilion times better before they exist. Mobile computing is now getting edgier by the day. New technologies are being implemented, tested and apply in mobile computing making us and the future another step closer. The internet is also getting better along the lines of the information age. Meanwhile, types of network available for us adding it on top of making computer networks and communications the new best friend. REFERENCE * http://hothardware. com/Reviews/Samsung-Galaxy-S-4G-Review/ * http://blog. propertycrown. com/najib-leaves-for-new-york-seeks-investments/ * http://smklunduictclass. blogspot. com/2012/07/3511-describe-c-types-of-network. html * http://www. escotal. com/Images/computer/PAN. png * http://www. mywistore. com/images/Brent%20Lovett%20060809_WiMax. gif How to cite Malaysian Cyber Law and Electronic Government Law, Essay examples
Thursday, April 30, 2020
Iranian Revalution Essays - Iranian Revolution,
Iranian Revalution The Iranian Revolution Iran is a country located in the Middle East. The main source of income for the country is oil, the one object that had greatly influenced its history. Iran's present government is run as an Islamic Republic. A president, cabinet, judicial branch, and Majilesor or legislative branch, makes up the governmental positions. A revolution that overthrew the monarch, which was set in 1930, lasted over 15 years. Crane Brinton's book, An Anatomy of a Revolution, explains set of four steps a country experiences when a revolution occurs. Symptoms, rising fever, crisis, and convalescence are the steps that occur. The Iranian Revolution followed the four steps in Crane Brinton's theory, symptoms, rising fever, crisis, and convalescence occurred. Numerous symptoms led to the crumbling downfall of Reza Shah Pahlavi, ruler of Iran until 1978. One of these symptoms is rising expectations which can be seen during the 1960's and 70's. The rich Shah cleared the way for the land reform law, enacted in 1962. The land minority had to give up its land to the government, and among those stripped of land, were the Shi'ah Muslims. Iran's power structure was radically changed in a program termed the White Revolution. On January 26, 1963, the White Revolution was endorsed by the nation. By 1971, when land distribution ended, about 2,500,000 families of the farm population benefited from the reforms. From 1960-72 the percentage of owner occupied farmland in Iran rose from 26 to 78 percent. Per capita income rose from $176 in 1960 to $2,500 in 1978. From 1970-77 the gross national product was reported to increase to an annual rate of 7.8% (Iran 896). As a result of this thriving economy, the income gap rapidly widened. Exclusive homes, extravagant restaurants, and night clubs and streets loaded with expensive automobiles served as daily reminders of a growing income spread. This created a perfect environment for many conflicts to arise between the classes. Iran's elite class consisted of wealthy land owners, intelligencia, military leaders, politicians, and diplomats. The Elite continued to support the monarchy and the Shah. The peasants were victim of unfulfilled political expectations, surveillance by the secret police, and the severe social and economic problems that resulted from modernization. The middle class favored socialism over capitalism, because capitalism in their view supported the elite, and does not benefit the lower classes. The middle class was the most changeable element in the group, because they enjoyed some of the privileges of the elite, which they would like to protect. At the same time, they believed that they had been cheated by the elite out of their share of the industrialization wealth (Orwin 43). About this time, the middle class, which included students, technocrats, and modernist professionals, became discontent with the economy. The key event should have further stabilized the royal dictatorship, but the increase in oil prices and oil income beginning in 1974 caused extreme inflation. This was due to the investment strategy followed by the Shah, which led to a spectacular 42% growth rate in 1974. (Cottam 14). And because of the Shah's support structure which enabled the new rich to benefit from inflation, the government effort to deal with inflation was aimless. Poor Iranians and Iranians with a fixed income suffered major losses in real income. Better standards of living were no longer visible. Thus, the majority of the Iranian people developed a revolutionary predisposition. As the middle class became discontent in Iran throughout the 1970's, the desertion of intellectuals could be found in great excess. Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini represented much of the discontent of the religious sector of Iran. For speaking out against the Shah's autocratic rule, Khomeini was exiled to Turkey in 1963. In 1965, Khomeini moved to Iraq where he became the central spokesperson for expatriate opposition to the Shah. On October 6, 1978, Khomeini was expelled from Iraq and moved to Paris, where he was accessible to a larger body of opposition forces. He was also accessible to the Western Press. Khomeini preached that he would displace the Shah and expel the foreigners. He also said he would enforce religious and traditional values, and redirect Iran's wealth away from large industrialization schemes and toward reforms needed by the common people. Throughout the 1970's, Khomeini
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