Sunday, January 26, 2020
Studying the big five personality traits
Studying the big five personality traits Nowadays personality trait test becomes more and more famous in recruitment and personal assessment, it is aiming to predict possible academic success and work performance in different settings. Although there are many academic theories attempt to conceptualize and generalize individual differences in the personality research field, such as psychoanalytic theory, psychodynamic theory, phenomenological theory and cognitive theory. (B.R. Hergenhahn, 1994). Each theory contributes a lot on the understanding and conceptualizing of human individual differences. No matter what theory the investigator chose they all had the common goal to build a structured model to describe and explain personality trait. From Sigmund Freuds Id Ego Superego model to R.B.Cattells 16 personality factors model, we can see that every famous trait-orientated psychologist would put forward one personality model. However, by analyzing those personality models it is easy to find out that there were huge differenc es about the number and nature of factors. Since 1980s, trait-orientated psychologists/researchers reached a consensus about the description mode of personality and they have suggested that there are five major personality factors which also called as the Big Five Personality Trait model. (Arnold J et al, 2005) The five dimensions of this model was not presenting or deriving from any of the particular one theories above, but obtained from the daily common words that people used to characterize others and themselves. Instead of displacing all the existing theories, the Big Five Personality Trait model works multifunctional because it is able to represent various personality trait theories in the same framework. (John and Srivastava, 1999)In recent decade, the Big Five personality trait model has made remarkable progress, and also demonstrated and supported by many research studies, most psychologists regarded it as the best personality model so far (MBA LIB. 2010). The Big Five Personality Trait model highlighted the universality of every dimension in this model. These five traits include (Arnold J et al, 2005): Openness to experiences. This trait describes people, who are interested in many things, appreciation for art, emotion, fantasy, aesthetic, feelings, actions, ideas. Conscientiousness. This trait describes people have a tendency to show their self-discipline, act orderly and dutifully, and personal achievement striving. Extroversion. This trait describes people who treat others warmly, actively, excitement seeking, maintains positive emotions and tends to seek simulation when companying others. Agreeableness. This trait describes people tend to trust others more, being straightforwardness, modesty, tender-mindedness and cooperative with others. Neuroticism. This trait describes people who tend to feel anxiety, angry hostility, depression, self-consciousness etc easily. When assessing a psychological theory or model whether to be successful or not, there are few essential aspects should taken into account. First, when establishing a new theory or model it is important to consider its compatibility with other existing psychological theories. Eysenck derived his PEN model from Cattells 16-factor model and within the same factor analytic psychological model however, they are not contradicted, McMartin proposed the structure of personality is best conceptualized as consisting of five major traits, rather than Eysencks 3 types (McMartin, 1995) (Nathan C. Popkins, 2010) Therefore it is clear to see that the Big Five Personality Trait model is coherent with other factor-analytical models and all these models should not conflicts with each other directly. Some psychologists have assessed the Big Five Personality Trait model by using the Trait Descriptive Adjectives (TDA) and found highly internal consistency and reliabilities, and their factor structure is easily carried out with same method and procedure. (John and Srivastava, 1999.) In recent years, some research studies also showed that the five-factor model is also compatible with other psychological personality models. Some psychologists attempted and already discover the correlation relationship between the Big Five Personality Traits and Freuds famous psychoanalysis theories. (Huey and Weisz, 1997) Although they only found out the relationship between some elements of Freuds psychoanalysis theory and some elements of the Big Five Personality Trait, it also helps for proving of the compatibility and adaptability of the Big Five Personality Trait. Secondary, a successful psychological theory or model should also be capable to apply widely such as in clinical and organizational field, and it also needs to maintain in a high degree of consistency. McAdams suggested that the Big Five Personality Trait model is more like a list with five dimensions which is helpful to specify and classify personality traits than a psychological theory (McAdams, 1992). To apply the model into academic field to find its effectiveness, Digman (1990) claimed that the Big Five Personality Traits model provides a useful view of broad dimensions that characterize human individual differences. These dimensions can be measured with high level of reliability and impressive validity. (Digman, 1990, page 436) Digman had summed up that the Big Five Personality Traits model applies well for providing the personality traits structure. (Digman 1990) As its advantages of being simplified and systematical, it has been agreed by many researchers. As Jianan Zhong and Jinyun Duan (2004) indicated that they thought the Big Five Personality Traits is a well established model for describing personality traits. For a long time, researchers have realized that the number of major personality traits is actually less the Catells 16 factors and Eysencks 3 factors, therefore 5 factors seemed to be a reasonable choice. At the meanwhile, there are some criticisms raised. First, it is a non-explainable descriptive model, it cannot be said that there is only 5 factors to identify human personality traits (Eysenck, 2001). Second, the Big Fives advocates assumed that the five variables are independent to each other; however the situation is not always so (Eysenck, 2001). Third, there are still arguments among the meaning of these five variables, it has been limited by the different adjectives in different language systems thus the compatibility of t he model has been questioned. Fourth, many different ideas on how many should we number for the factors appears, there are 3, 4, 6, 7 factors separately. And finally, the Big Five Personality Traits is not capable and suitable for all cultural backgrounds; apart from the United States, researchers should carry out their own local studies (Boies K et al., 2001) (Ashton M C et al., 2000.). Is there any ways to measure our five personality traits? In 1985, Costa and McCrae brought up a questionnaire to measure the Big Five Personality Traits NEO-PI (Costa P T, McCrae R R. 1985, 1989). After that, they came up with the new edited version NEO-PI-R and NEO-FFI. They made this personality model becoming measurable; however, there are also criticisms. Frame of reference effects (Schmit M J, Royan A M, 1993) is one of the concerning, a reliable result will gain from some of the volunteer respondents, for those are not volunteers, such as a job seeker, they might be truthful on the description of themselves, they will characterize themselves as being reliable, hard-working and organized etc to get the job position. Therefore this may lead to the raising of general ideal-employees. Despite the inadequate aspects, the Big Five Personality Traits model still has advantages. It provided an integrated theory framework; it is simple which is consistent with economic principles. For this reason, there are huge amount of application researches about industry and organizational psychology in recent years. Since the research carried out about the correlation relationship between the Big Five Personality Traits model and the job performance, there is an agreed conclusion that this personality traits model can predict job performance, especially contextual performance (Goliath. 2010.). In these five major traits, conscientiousness is the most effective predictor. A research in 2000 (Gregory M.H et al., 2000) has demonstrated the above conclusions in advance, it also took into account of various job type and diverse performance criterion, and the findings showed that the agreeableness has the better prediction to the service job, openness to experience has the better prediction to the managerial job type, conscientiousness works the most effectively to predict different job types and different performance criterion. Jeffrey et al. (2001) carried out a research study to measure 276 students personality dimensions by using NEO-PI-R. The subjects were placed in a group decision-making scenar io to observe the task performance and contextual performance, and the contextual performance has been divided into cooperative behavior and voice behavior. The so-called voice behavior refers to the creative and constructive communicational behavior for the purpose of improving the environment, change the orientation. Detailed content includes providing constructive suggestions to the organization, such as how to improve the organization; how to perform the task; persuade others to accept new ideas, advices and guidance etc. The results showed that agreeableness is significantly positive correlated to the cooperative behavior; however it is significantly negative correlated with voice behavior. The research findings also supported the point of view of dividing the contextual performance into cooperative behavior and voice behavior. In order to investigate the interactional relationship between agreeableness and conscientiousness to the task performance, Witt (2002) use the personality questionnaire with 120 items to measure five factors in seven companies with different job types, it used higher assessment as main method to assess the task performance. The findings showed that, there are 5 out of 7 indicated that the staff with high conscientiousness but low social ability is ineffective especially in the situation where the cooperation with others is essential. In another word, among these work situations, the correlation between conscientiousness and task performance is influenced by agreeableness. Higher agreeableness works better than low agreeableness. It is easy to see that the Big Five Personality Traits model is able to predict task performance well and in particular the contextual performance. Jennifer et al. (2001) gathered 149 staff with different job types to carry out the research study about the relationship between openness, conscientiousness and creative behavior by using the questionnaires. NEO-FFI was used to measure openness and conscientiousness, the creative behavior was assessed by higher assessment. The result showed that, when the environment allows the personality to express, openness will accelerate the occurrence of creative behavior, whereas conscientiousness will block it. This seems to be contradicted to the above research findings of conscientiousness is a predictor of good task performance, the key issue here is the environment is also an important factor. It is valuable to conduct further research to stimulate staff with high conscientiousness but low openness to reach their potential of creativity. Costa and McCrae (Li Wang et al. 2000) also suggested that when dealing with the life stress events, people with higher openness would like to use a variety of coping strategies effectively. Because when facing the new environment, people with higher openness tends to be patient to discover, therefore they feel less tense when dealing with changes, they can manage to cope with the changes within the organization. The Big Five Personality Traits model can also be applied with the research about job satisfaction. Timothy (2002) gathered 334 relevant data among 163 dependent samples about personality traits and job satisfaction to do the meta- analysis. The findings indicated that openness and conscientiousness are significantly negative correlated with job satisfaction. Besides, David et al. (2002) conducted the research between the Big Five Personality Traits model and self-respect. The result showed that the self-respect is significantly negative correlated with neuroticism and is significantly positive correlated with extroversion, whereas there is no significant correlation with openness and agreeableness. Piers (2002) did the investigation on the relationship between the Big Five Personality Traits model and self well-being. The findings showed that neuroticism is significantly negative correlated with self well-being, however openness is positive correlated with self well-being, whereas there is no significant correlations between other factors and self well-being. Openness and job satisfaction, self-respect and self well-being all positive correlated, however, neuroticism is significantly negative correlated with all of these. In other words, neuroticism and extroversion are closely related with the life functions. To sum up the above applied research of the Big Five Personality Traits model, we can conclude that despite the consideration of cognitive and intellectual factors, this personality traits model can be used as a predictor during the selection and employee allocation. General speaking, conscientiousness has the better prediction to the task performance. For service work, agreeableness is an excellent predictor. For creative work, for instance, strategy planning, advertisement, art, literature etc, openness predicts better than other dimensions. For managerial work, extroversion predicts better than other dimensions. Besides, Barry and Stewart (Yufan Liu et al, 2002) also found out that within a group of people, the team performance carried out the best when the proportion of openness is adequate. Too much or too few openness people would not be conducive to the improvement of team performance. Unstable neuroticism has a negative impact on individuals in many ways; hence we should control our emotion wisely to improve individuals emotional stability. In a larger sense, the Big Five Personality Traits model provides us a reference to understand and shape our personality traits. Every positive outcome such as stable emotions, openness or agreeableness, conscientiousness, extroversion will help people to build a relatively perfect self.
Friday, January 17, 2020
The Battle of Antietam
The Battle of Antietam is an infamously significant military operation of the Civil War in a political and strategic sense. The entire campaign takes place over the course of a single day, yet bears a higher death toll than multiple wars combined. The Confederate Army was greatly out-manned, but extraordinarily resilient. However, the greatest advantages of the battle were held by the Union.Their arguable victory in Sharpsburg propelled President Lincoln’s bold announcement of the Emancipation Proclamation and rallied the morale of Northern soldiers and civilians to preserve the Union and abolish slavery.Battle of Antietam 3 The Battle of Antietam A terrible reality of war is bloodshed. But neither the North nor the South anticipated the decimation of Antietam, the bloodiest battle of the Civil War. On September 17, 1862 war waged and ravaged the small town of Sharpsburg, Maryland resulting in unprecedented casualties. More lives were lost in a single day’s battle than in all the wars fought in this country during the nineteenth century combined. (McPherson, 2004, p. 3) No other day in American history is saddled with greater loss.Although, the battle ended somewhat inconclusively with heavy death tolls on both sides, its affect on the War was decisive. Strategically, it was the first Confederate campaign on northern soil and it set an intimidating precedent. General Lee’s astounding resilience, even while out-manned, put a quick halt to any immediate, brazen attacks on Union ground. (Only one other battle was fought in the North, the rest in the South. ) Politically, it stunted progress for the Confederacy by alienating the much-needed European support they had hoped to win.However, it promoted the Federal agenda by paving the way for President Lincoln’s bold Emancipation Proclamation. With an arguable victory under his belt, came the right opportunity to solidify the North’s abolitionist platform. The scale tipped in their f avor strengthening their resolve to continue the fight, rather than concede to peace. James McPherson calls Antietam â€Å"the battle that changed the course of the Civil War. †(McPherson, 2004, p. XVI) Leading up to the BattleGeneral Lee and his men were still fresh with the Manassas victory (The Second Bull Run), which led to another victory at Harper’s Ferry. There, Jackson’s troop snatched control from a smaller band of Union forces and replenished their supplies. Then quickly rejoined Battle of Antietam 4 Lee’s soldiers in Sharpsburg, where they chose to take a stand against the pursuing Confederate army led by General McClellan. September 17, 1862: 0600 to 0900 The sun had no sooner risen and the first shot was fired from a Union rifle. Antietam Creek was resonant with the sound of roaring artillery.It was the beginning of an unforgettable exchange between Lee’s 40,000 soldiers and McClellan’s 87,000. Lee arranged his men in defensive positions along Sharpsburg’s bluffs and hills with their backs to the Potomac River. After an early morning volley of rounds, McClellan offensively marched several of his troops towards Miller’s Cornfield. They were immediately met with enemy fire. McClellan responded quickly. He withdrew his men and rained cannon fire into the cornfield. Men and corn were leveled ruthlessly. Eyewitness, Union General Joseph Hooker, comments on the grisly moment:In the time I am writing, every stalk of corn in the northern and greater part of the field was cut as closely as could have been done with a knife, and the slain lay in rows precisely as they had stood in their ranks a few moments before. (NPS, 2001) The South rallied and retaliated with a storm of artillery fire. The two parties stood among the fallen corn in very close proximity, only 200 or so yards distanced, unloading their weapons into one another. A New York soldier, Isaac Hall, described it the warfare: â€Å"They st ood and shot each other, until the lines melted away like wax.†(NPS, 2001) The battle spilled into the West Woods as soldiers attempted to evade the cornfield’s onslaught, but enemy lines kept finding one another and continued to fire at point-blank range. Battle of Antietam 5 September 17, 1862: 0900 to 1300 Towards mid-morning, Confederate troops were chased out of the cornfields and beaten back to a defensive location they’d secured earlier. They began hunkering down in an 80-yard trench, which had been hollowed out by the heavy wagons of nearby farms. Improvising, they stacked fence rail to help shield themselves from the Union’s unrelenting barrage.McClellan’s men kept advancing and Lee’s men kept defending from their carved out patch of earth. No side showed any signs of surrender, so ammunition continued to fly. The southern troops managed to repel at least four hearty Union advances at the cost of 5,600 lives.. The most shocking quan tity of casualties took place in and around this trench, now called, â€Å"Bloody Lane†. The scenes captured by American photographers sobered Americans, communicating the true and gritty reality of war. After three hours in the trench, a Confederate officer -misunderstanding his commands- ordered his troops to evacuate the sunken lane.Others followed suit. The Confederate Army ran back through the cornfields toward the outskirts of the village. McClellan had the upper hand, but decided against pursuing Lee’s forces; although, he could have dispatched his available fresh reserves to complete the task. This hesitation on his part, bought the Confederate troops more time. Earlier that morning, Lee positioned soldiers and Georgian sharpshooters around the Antietam Bridge, where they spent most of the morning warding off the North’s advance.Finally around 1300, the line broke through. After a two hour rest, the North continued their advance. The renewed northern sol diers had the southerners Battle of Antietam 6 on the run again. At this point, the southern army was in retreat mode, filling the Sharpsburg streets and heading for cover. But hope arrived around 1540. One of Lee’s generals from Harper Ferry (who had been detained) arrived on the scene with 3000 men. Blindsiding the Union troops, they bombarded their left flank. In this swift turn of events, Lee regained ground.In these last hours of the battle, more Union casualties occurred than Confederate. McClellan suffered great loss, despite the reserve still available to him. He was hesitant to dispatch his full resources and this hesitation allowed the Confederate Army enough leash to fight again another day. Severely depleted in numbers and morale, they retreated across the Potomac River, only to rally again for the next battle. In November, McClellan was dismissed from duty. Both sides were devastated: 12,410 Confederate soldiers and 10,700 Union soldiers died fighting for their w ay of life.General Lee’s men withstood incredible resistance, but the North was most advantaged by the battle’s outcome. President Lincoln used the battle’s marginal victory as a stepping stone in the Federal agenda. â€Å"Now the war had a dual purpose: to preserve the Union and abolish slavery. †(NPS, 2001) And, that is exactly what happened. Battle of Antietam 7 References James M. McPherson (2004). Crossroads of Freedom: Antietam, 3, XVI. National Park Services (2001). Battle of Antietam. Retrieved December 8, 2008, from http://www. nps. gov/archive/anti/battle. htm.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Indigenous People s History Of The United States Essay
An Indigenous People s’ History of the United States. A history book claimed to go above and beyond what has been stated in text before it. Every page is packed with details and references to other accredited historians, or examples of the mindset that has been historically infused. At first glance you think you already know about the history of the Native Americans. How we saw it fit to take their land, put them on ever shrinking â€Å"gifted†lands that would never allow them to strive again. How they are simply a conquered people who fought back and lost. Alas this book takes what you thought you knew and makes it more real, focusing on the unnecessary genocide. Admittedly this book was very difficult for me to read, I found myself trailing off, being confused with the connections. There were however quite a few spots that stuck out to me, especially those we have covered in our race lectures. Roxanne explains the culture of the indigenous people in the beginning chapters. Intertwining history of how other nations have toppled or been influenced by other ruling nations. This is includes the aztecs, mayans, Ireland and many more. She also mentions how Indigenous nations governed their people and the land before we intervened. Some tribes even held values that later inspired our own US Constitution, called the Great Law of Peace. The next chapter describes how our deeply rooted history began, how the english introduced profits as a motive and privatized land. This regards toShow MoreRelatedThe Residential School System Within Canada1648 Words  | 7 PagesThe residential school system in Canada was active for over a century, with the last one closing in 1996 (Troniak, 2011), yet many Canadians still remain unaware of this terrible part in our nation s history. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Happiness Is A Complex State Of Being - 878 Words
Happiness is a complex state of being. Some of us love to be in that state so much that we help others to stay in it as much as they can. As children begin to think about abstract thought, they sometimes lose their focus because some do not pursue their thoughts and figure out why they think the way they do. Children’s attention spans change and the way their minds work change as well. Some grow deeper into the thought about the idea of happiness as they age, and they do so at different points in their lives depending on many factors. By the time of becoming an adult, some of us will know where our happiness comes from and be at that state of self-actualization. According to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, there are levels to reach self-actualization.(Evans, 293-294.) I agree with it and it is correct, however, there is a bit more to self-actualization and happiness. I believe that some can change their view of the world and synthesize their happiness. Maslow s idea of self-actualization came with this pyramid that he established. In that pyramid were needs to reach self-actualization which is a state of happiness. His belief was that a person would have to go through each step in order and cannot go ahead without the prerequisite. He starts with Physiological needs which would be air, food, water, shelter, sex, sleep. If we don’t have any of these needs we won’t be able to focus on much else besides those needs. Therefore inhibiting us to continue in his hierarchy. HisShow MoreRelatedConsequentialism, By John Stuart Mill Essay971 Words  | 4 Pagesto be one that brings about the most happiness or well-being for everyone. John Stuart Mill states, â€Å"The creed which accepts as the foundation of morals â€Å"utility†or the â€Å"greatest happiness principle†holds that actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness: wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness†(Mill 7). 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